A Public Sector Where Digital Natives Thrive

Cross-posted with permission from TheConnectedRepublic – http://theconnectedrepublic.org/posts/458 Digital Natives (people who have grown up in a connected world) have different attitudes, approaches and habits than those in preceding generations and will soon be a major part of society’s workforce. How does the public sector need to change to attract these people and provide them withRead… Read more »

No More “Social” Media: It’s Knowledge Media

NOTE: Originally published on July 24, 2009, I am re-posting since there is new energy surrounding this subject. What are your thoughts? —————————————- In light of the conversations and content of the Open Government and Innovations conference as well as my ongoing attempts to serve as a social media evangelist in agencies, I had anRead… Read more »

Thoughts from ELC

Thoughts from ELC A couple weeks back I went to the ACT/IAC Executive Leadership Conference in Williamsburg. It is arguably the premier federal IT conference of the year with over 800 people in attendance. I spoke on two different panels related to collaboration, Gov 2.0, and Gen Y. An interesting note from the questions wasRead… Read more »

The Art of Blogging

The Art of Blogging Lately I’ve been a little off my natural state of blogging on GovLoop. Since I launched GovLoop 18 months ago, I’ve done a significant amount of blogging. But in a sense it comes and goes… I think it is a lot like working out. When you are on the good train,Read… Read more »

Big News – GovLoop Announces AwesomeGov Fund!

I’m super excited to announce today the launch of the “AwesomeGov” Fund. As I went full-time on GovLoop, I wanted to ensure that giving back and doing good was 100% integrated into our core mission, values, and operations. I’m a big believer in social entrepreneurship – companies like Tom’s shoes that donate one pair ofRead… Read more »

GovReads! If We Can Put a Man on the Moon: Getting Big Things Done in Government

Back in late September, I was inspired by a great new book called “If We Can Put a Man on the Moon: Getting Big Things Done in Government.” It’s authored by William D. Eggers and John O’Leary. Eggers is a leading expert on government reform who currently serves as the global director for Deloitte ResearchRead… Read more »

How to Energize Your Audience? Start by Wearing the Right Spectacles

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about what makes some social networking, or web 2.0 applications so pervasive resulting in the “tectonic shift” we are undergoing. The applications we are talking about here are ones that you get a craving to check in with – and see what has happened in the last couple ofRead… Read more »

GovLoop Community Engagement Guidelines – Your Feedback??

Greetings GovLoopers! UPDATE as of 11/8/09: Based on initial feedback last week, please see the various changes in BOLD below. In talking to many of the social media practitioners in and around government agencies, one of their stated best practices is the development and display of a solid policy that provides guidelines for engagement onRead… Read more »