GovLoop Member of the Week: Benjamin Strong

If you’re on Twitter, you may have seen some of the great tweets from @Amver like: -> Nigerian rebels kidnap 6 crewmembers from chemical carrier Sichem Peace -> Boating tips for watching fireworks from boats -> U.S. House passes piracy amendment; military guards to man certain ships/cargoes -> Iranian naval ship stops pirate attack inRead… Read more »

10 Ways Social Media Will Improve Federal Acquisition

A couple months ago, I noticed a conversation on GovLoop regarding acquisition. Having spent the past ten years as a proposal writer that has responded to hundreds of Requests for Proposals on behalf of non-profit and educational institutions, I contributed six quick ideas to the discussion. Well, no good deed goes unpunished and those commentsRead… Read more »

Final Phase of Open Government Initiative (Help Draft Policy Recommendations – Deadline June 28)

Please participate in the White House’s final phase…They are looking for your insights…More below ————————– Today the Drafting Phase (Phase III) of the Open Government public consultation process begins at (click on Participate). This Drafting Phase invites you to collaborate on creating recommendations for open government policy using a web-based wiki tool. You areRead… Read more »

Next Generation Government: Mobile, Measurable, Malleable

On Tuesday, June 16, I had the opportunity to serve on a panel for the 2009 Symantec Government Symposium in Washington, DC, under the title Next Generation Government. Special “shout out” to moderator Tom Temin of Federal News Radio and fellow panelists Chris Kemp (Chief Information Officer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration), John Schueler (NewRead… Read more »

Decline of Women in Technology, but Hope Shines Through

Yesterday, I attended the inaugural Mid-Atlantic Women in Technology conference at the Ronald Reagan Building. The morning was kicked off with a keynote by Rebecca Zimmerman, Vice President of Strategic Solutions, @Mind Over Machines. Ms. Zimmerman started off the conversation with the stark reality that there has been an alarming decline in women in technologyRead… Read more »

Shout Out to the AWESOME GovLoop Community Leaders

Did you know that there is an elite, all-star squadron that helps make GovLoop AWESOME! There is indeed. The GovLoop Community Leaders are the best. Rock-star volunteers that do everything from welcome new members, write member and project of the week series, as well as new activities like Daily Sweet GovTweets, Gov Conference Tweets, runRead… Read more »

Ask and You May Receive

Recently, I learned about Mike Honda, Congressman, 15th District California and his initiative to “crowdsource” the redesign of his website. As he explains it himself, “the final design will be chosen based on constituent input, design functionality, usability, and other criteria. I believe that this crowd-sourcing initiative will usher in a new era of governmentRead… Read more »