FCW’s – Twitter Takes Wing – good read –

Check out this Federal Computer Week article if you missed it! According to the article, some agencies other than NASA using Twitter include: NIH – health related dispatches US Geological Survey – earthquake & tsunmai warnings FDA – updates on food recalls You can find all of this and more on Steve Luncefords’s Twitter directoryRead… Read more »

Project of Week – Open Forum Foundation

I met Wayne at Gov 2.0 Barcamp on one Sunday morning as a group of volunteers were planning the eventual conference. I was impressed with his ideas and thought processes and was wondering what he was up to. That day and at the actual Gov 2.0 Barcamp he told me about his group “Open ForumRead… Read more »

Big News – Obama Asks Gov’t Employees for Ideas to Save $/Improve Performance

Big news from today’s Obama Weekly Address. Most importantly for gov’t folks: “Third, we’ll look for ideas from the bottom up. After all, Americans across the country know that the best ideas often come from workers – not just management. That’s why we’ll establish a process through which every government worker can submit their ideasRead… Read more »

Federal Jobs for Generalists

From thegovgurus.com: ARE YOU A GENERALIST? You may be a generalist if you have: * A liberal arts degree and/or an advanced degree in law, business, international relations, public administration, public policy, environmental policy, public health or a variety of other fields. * Excellent writing and oral communication skills. * An ability to synthesize informationRead… Read more »

A New Convert to the Goverati: @NenaMoss

Last week, I participated in the Gov 2.0 Boot Camp in Knoxville, TN, delivering a presentation on “Social Virtual Networks and Government.” A couple days after the event, I received a social media presenter’s greatest reward: an unexpected tweet from a Twitter newbie. Nena Moss had officially joined the ranks of the Goverati. Moreover, sheRead… Read more »

Twitter and Iraq: A Counterinsurgency to Carr’s Cynicism

In an article entitled “How Twitter is going to save Iraq. I mean Ir@. Not.”, Paul Carr of the Guardian shares his cynical view regarding social media’s ability to improve the situation in Iraq. His essay was sparked by the fact that several tech execs from Google, YouTube, Twitter, WordPress, MeetUp and more are inRead… Read more »

GovLoop Survey – NCAA Winner – UNC

Well it looked like the wisdom of the crowds worked…. I asked GovLoop members who they thought was going to win the NCAA Tournament once we had reached the final 8 and the answers were: 41.5% UNC 26.4% Wildcard 13.2% UConn 9.4% Louisville 9.4 Pittsburg This follows up the GovLoop BBall Tournament with winner Noel’sRead… Read more »