Join the Conversation…Be the Conversation. Is Twitter Fueling Innovation?

Yesterday in my journey into the twittersphere I highlighted 3 observations that I find most appealing about the micro-blogging site. To summarize all three in one thought, I see Twitter as providing users a constant flow of interest-tailored mind-castings, a living discussion forum, and a place to take a penny and leave a penny. I’veRead… Read more »

March Madness Baby! Join the GovLoop Bracket.

****UPDATE – March Madness is LIVE! Join the bracket and make your picks…And Sorry about the bad link in the past….********** I’ve been slacking on my basketball watching this year, but there is time to remedy the situation. In 2 weeks, March Madness will arrive and I’ll be ready. I will use these next twoRead… Read more »

Job Vacancies and Communicating With the Silent Type

Originally posted at An agency contact person is identified on the vacancy announcement of each federal job. Contact the agency contact person for your target job if you have any questions about: · How your application has faired thus far in the selection process. Yes, the agency contact person can and will tell youRead… Read more »

Friday Follow?

It’s day 3 of my journey through twittersphere. This morning when I started reading my fresh Friday flow of tweets, I noticed a significant number that read- #fridayfollow… and then suggested a username with @username… Friday Follow? While I’ve learned the basic twitter commands, RT (retweet), DM (direct message), to shrink long, character wastingRead… Read more »

Tweet Type?

Last night at my company’s Leadership Development meeting we were discussing Patrick Lencioni’s book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Since it is quite true that you learn best by doing, our leader began a role-playing exercise by first splitting us up into different groups. Our goal was to act out common team scenarios…while theRead… Read more »

My Journey Through Twittersphere

The first time I ever heard of Twitter was about a year ago through a facebook newsfeed pulled from my friend Peter’s status that read: “I am twittering.” Twittering? Too much coffee? Work deadlines? Big date? I soon forgot about the slightly strange choice of word and went back to my facebook perusing. A fewRead… Read more »

“I Am Public Service” – Ebook is Released!

Greetings! Steve Ressler and I are pleased to announce the release of our first ebook entitled, “I Am Public Service: Great Work in Our Own Words.” The book highlights and honors – in their own words – the great work of 34 public servants. In the ebook, you’ll read stories about people like: Vladimir Diaz:Read… Read more »

Member of the Week – Barry Everett

This week’s member of the week is Barry Everett, Web Infrastructure, Region 6, EPA. Since the start of GovLoop, Barry has continuously been posting interesting blogs, writing insightful comments, and teaching us about Virtual Worlds. I’ve always been a fan and wanted a chance to learn more about his story. So here we go: 1)Read… Read more »