UPDATE: OGI Conference “TweetBook” (First Ever!) Coming Together – Help?

Hi again, Folks! Several of us (me, Marie Crandell, Pam Broviak, Roberta Croll, Nichole Uiterwijk, Helen Ortel, etc.) have spent the last couple days working on what I believe will be the first-ever “TweetBook” (at least from a government conference!). Here’s how it looks at the moment (not too shabby, eh?!): OGITweetBook – OverallMock-Up.doc WhatRead… Read more »

UK’s Twitter Guide for Government

Originally published at the GenerationShift blog. Per this post from Neil Williams, head of corporate digital channels at the UK central government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), below is a “Template Twitter Strategy for Government Departments.” It’s a helpful document as it includes a very brief overview of Twitter, offers some objectives andRead… Read more »

IDEA: Open Gov Innovations Conference “TweetBook” – Will You Help Create It?

HERE ARE THE RAW TWEETS: OGI Conference Tweets.doc UPDATED GUIDE – What are your thoughts? Can you help bring it home? OGITweetBook – OverallMock-Up.doc UPDATE AS OF 4:20 PM ET, 7/28/09: Here’s a table with times, sessions and TweetBook “authors” – Appreciate your help! OGI TweetBook Outline.doc Hi Everyone, What if we created an OpenRead… Read more »

Open-Source Backers March on Washington

July 23, 2009, 2:03 pm Written by Ashlee Vance of New York Times Look out, lobbyists: Here come the open-source zealots. Some of the world’s largest technology companies have banded together in a bid to push open-source software on the United States government. They’ve formed a group called Open Source for America, which seeks toRead… Read more »

Please Respond to Survey on Social Media for Recruiting

The Partnership for Public Service and the Office of Personnel Management jointly sponsor the annual Effective Hiring Workshop series, which consists of 5 workshops a year on a variety of topics. We are planning one of these workshops (to be held in September 2009) to focus on federal agencies’ use of social media for recruiting.Read… Read more »

Yes It Rocked – Recapping The Awesome GovLoop Anniversary Parties

It’s Saturday and I’m recovering from a fantastic week. Quite superb. This week was GovLoop’s 1-year anniversary and I’ve been thinking for awhile how to mark the occasion. Well things started to come together in a number of awesome ways. On Tuesday in San Francisco, GovLoop teamed up with Gov 2.0 Club San Francisco toRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week: NNSA Summer Student Intern Program

Led by John Barry at the US Office of Personnel Management, the Federal government intends to make significant strides toward streamlining the hiring process in the near term. In the meantime, intern programs remain one of the most effective ways for agencies to attract and get acquainted with potential employees. USAJobs.gov has a lengthy listRead… Read more »