The Military and Web 2.0: Falling Behind and Thriving?

In two separate articles last week, our Armed Forces received a mixed review on their use of Web 2.0 tools: The first article, Army Secretary: We’re Falling Behind, declares: “Senior Army leaders have fallen behind the breakneck development of cheap digital communications including cell phones, digital cameras and Web 2.0 Internet sites such as blogsRead… Read more »

Overcoming an Unexpected Challenge: Telework and Knowledge Transfer

Excerpt from a new post at I am a telework advocate. In fact, I am a full-time teleworker that happens to be developing a 3-hour training workshop that motivates Federal managers to give their employees the chance to work remotely (and to telework themselves!). As I have been preparing this course, I have delvedRead… Read more »

Impact of the Generations and Web 2.0 on Government

Hello everyone, I just learned about GovLoop today and joined immediately. What a great concept! If you like Web 2.0 tools and are curious to learn more about the impact of the four generations on the Federal workforce, I would invite you visit my blog: Look for a blog entry about GovLoop soon. GladRead… Read more »

Poll Results – Where the Gov’t Jobs Are?

I was pleasantly surprised to see the results of the most recent bi-weekly GovLoop poll: “How did you get your first job with the government?” The results were: 30.8% Student Internship 7.7% Leadership Programs (such as PMF) 30.8% USAJOBS 0.0% Job Fair 30.8% Referral From Friend I think this poll is good information for thoseRead… Read more »

GovLoop and Gov 2.0

I just got back from two days at the Harvard Kennedy School for the Government 2.0 conference hosted in conjunction with nGenera (the Wikinomics crew). I was there on a panel speaking about Young Government Leaders and discussing what it will take to get a new generation into government (I think the answer looks aRead… Read more »

Dealing With Email

Ahhh… The life of the 2008 government worker. Full of hours on Outlook (except you poor Lotus lovers) reading, writing, and loving email. And then there is managing email on the Blackberry. If you don’t watch yourself, you can end up spending all day on email. As such, you need a system to manage emails.Read… Read more »