5 Top Questions Feds Have About Returning to the Office
Who decides if you’re eligible for telework and remote work? Will your locality pay change? We cover these and other top-of-mind questions.
Who decides if you’re eligible for telework and remote work? Will your locality pay change? We cover these and other top-of-mind questions.
Given a limited budget, how do you make a go/no-go decision on an IT modernization initiative? Try approaching it like a home improvement project.
Discover three productivity hacks that can get you in the groove and sailing to the end of a success-filled day.
FedRAMP also generates long-term business value in the form of cost-savings, reduced risk, and increased levels of security.
As agencies craft a new chapter in shaping the hybrid work environment, they must do so in a way that is equitable, inclusive, and, most importantly, intentional.
This new, hybrid work approach is not an inhibitor for knowledge capture and transfer – it actually enriches it.
Fortunately, the right mix of strategies and tools can keep agencies safe from resilience-damaging security incidents.
To develop modern community connections, government leaders should explore the untapped potential of recreational esports.
The new EO rewrites the federal government’s approach to cybersecurity and improves the confidentiality, integrity and availability of public sector data.
Chief Information Officer Tanya Hannah shared considerations to make as you keep equity at the forefront while embracing new technologies and capabilities.