Storyboard Requirements for Microlearning Videos
Storyboards are a critical way to provide guidance and instruction to microlearning video developers, which helps keep the videos short and to the point.
Storyboards are a critical way to provide guidance and instruction to microlearning video developers, which helps keep the videos short and to the point.
We should be our own biggest cheerleaders. That’s because how we see ourselves largely dictates our actions.
When it comes to cybersecurity scores and remediation, knowing is half the battle, and the rest is hard work. Understanding the standards and practices means learning a new language of cyberspeak and legalese
Our jobs should be to ensure that the goods and services we procure meet minimum cybersecurity/data requirements.So take a look at what your organization’s Ts and Cs are and see how out of date they are.
A managed service provider can help agencies avoid pitfalls that lead to ineffective services, misspent money or risky cyber vulnerabilities.
Here are three things that federal agencies should consider when using low-code to implement complete automation in government.
Welcome to the latest edition of GovLoop’s exciting federal employment opportunities roundup for the week of March 12, 2021.
Much of our work has shifted into virtual spaces, and many may rely on email even more than previously. Try these tips to improve your email communications.
Being in a mentorship relationship connects you with an ally who can make your career quest that much easier to navigate. Here’s how to make the most of it.
Failure is natural, universal, inevitable and many other things depending on how you view it, learn from it and move forward. These tips can help.