Professional Development Best Practices for Government
Even in the midst of change and uncertainty, more than half of the GovLoop community said that professional development is a priority right now.
Even in the midst of change and uncertainty, more than half of the GovLoop community said that professional development is a priority right now.
Knowing what MicroLearning Videos are is just the first step. In this article I’ll discuss how to get your MicroLearning Video program started.
GovLoop highlights some of the best opportunities available on in a blog post each week.
Is there a way to practice political savvy and remain true to our ethics and morals? As we encounter situations, we must understand it is not an either/or.
Taking notice of increasing consumer expectations, government agencies are following suit, resolving to focus on citizen experiences to build transparency, accountability and trust.
Register for the 2021 NextGen Government Training Virtual Summit, and you’ll get access to a two-day event where you can develop new skills, make new connections and grow as a public servant.
Does your government agency have an incident response plan? If so, how often do you review it or ideally practice it? Let’s review some of the obvious and some of the less well-known benefits of prioritizing the planning and testing of IR plans.
Dr. King famously said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others?” It is this quote that I believe epitomizes Dr. King’s legacy and also speaks to who we are as public servants.
Providing the right level of access, performance and security for remote workers using the cloud requires solutions that can scale virtually infinitely.
As many state and local government employees continue to work remotely, government has an opportunity to confront longstanding collaboration challenges and provide employees with the collaboration tools they need to get the job done, efficiently and effectively.