Make the Most of Federal Contractors’ Talent and Time
Learn how acquisition automation technology allows agencies to connect disparate tools and data and streamline complex, tedious contracting processes.
Learn how acquisition automation technology allows agencies to connect disparate tools and data and streamline complex, tedious contracting processes.
Technology originally developed to improve PC-based gaming and multimedia applications nearly 30 years ago is now driving advances in the field of artificial intelligence.
How have you managed to endure through the past year? One lesson learned is that the pandemic is not a short race.
“If you don’t have visibility of what you have in the public cloud, you can get sticker shock. You’re invoiced at the end of the month and you ask yourself, ‘Why is this costing so much?’”
There’s peace in career ownership and knowing you are where you’re supposed to be in life. Consider yourself fortunate if you know it to be true.
Bailey’s journey provides great lessons on the importance of self-reflection, setting goals, building relationships and other valuable life skills.
As government welcomes more technologists into the public sector, here are some tips for managers and leaders to create technology teams that can thrive.
Failing to address the widening tech skills gap is simply not an option. With this in mind, here are four initiatives that federal agencies should prioritize in the months ahead.
Agencies need to figure out ways to not just close budget gaps but also raise new revenue streams. To do so, they must prioritize services based on need, not want.
To cope with increased demands, services have needed to be bigger, faster and stronger — bigger in availability, faster in handling requests, and stronger in the face of cyberattacks and network strain.