What Does It Mean to Create an Intentional Career?
Are you being intentional or organic about your career? If you’re anything like me, for most of your life, you took job opportunities as they popped up.
Are you being intentional or organic about your career? If you’re anything like me, for most of your life, you took job opportunities as they popped up.
GovLoop highlights some of the more interesting and exciting opportunities available on USAJobs.com in a blog post each week.
Empathy is the secret to success in public projects. Only when you show that you have listened to your stakeholders can you bring them along with you.
State and local governments’ revenue shortfalls mean there is a heightened imperative for agencies to manage their funds well. Overtime is one area that can either be a boon or bust for agencies’ purses.
If you’re new to grants management in the public sector, here are the main types of grant funding you need to know about.
Let’s look at how government employees can serve while voicing their concerns about important social and political issues.
By integrating OT and IT systems, agencies can create a flow of data from the enterprise out to the edge and see greater insights into their operations.
The AWS partner network is helping government agencies facilitate data sharing and analytics to support crisis management efforts.
The good news is that data analytics is not too technical for government staff to implement. Data is the way policy moves into practice. It helps everyone work smarter, not harder. The key is that data must be married to a service change in order to see results.
As federal agencies accelerate their effort to move data, applications and services to the cloud, they often run into an obstacle: Their existing cyber policies and processes were developed with a physical IT infrastructure in mind, not the virtual infrastructure that is the basis of so many modern solutions.