Best of USAJobs April 17
GovLoop highlights some of the more interesting and exciting opportunities available on in a blog post each week.
GovLoop highlights some of the more interesting and exciting opportunities available on in a blog post each week.
For the 11th year, we’re hosting the NextGen Public Service Awards, which gives you an opportunity to nominate exceptional public servants to receive recognition.
The city of Detroit and the state of Arizona are two government entities that benefited from embracing lifecycle grants management, which is an automated process of managing grants.
How are you supposed to create a space of innovation when you’re working from home with so many distractions? There’s no easy answer to this.
How can you improve your office’s training materials?
When the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act was passed in March, the Small Business Administration (SBA) was suddenly in charge of ten times the amount of usual funds to distribute to small businesses.
What do employers and their procurement staff do if they need to purchase accessible technology tools to support remote work and digital communication? How do they know they are procuring accessible technology that can be used effectively from employees’ homes?
Use this worksheet to develop an action plan for effectively filling your agency’s skills gaps, whether it is recruitment, reskilling or upskilling.
If we learn how to deliver feedback in a constructive manner, we can help those receiving it thrive.
In the past, agencies deployed cloud in response to mandates, with compliance as a key driver. Today, agencies are driven by the need for more speed and IT agility, which requires modernization, transformation and re-platforming.