What Are Federal Fears About Ransomware?
So far, news coverage of ransomware has typically focused on state and local incidents. But that doesn’t mean federal agencies shouldn’t be worried.
So far, news coverage of ransomware has typically focused on state and local incidents. But that doesn’t mean federal agencies shouldn’t be worried.
Now that my bookshelf is packed, it’s time for me to go find some new sources of leadership inspiration. I hope after reading this, you’ll also be inspired to look for leadership lessons in whatever you chose to read.
According to Nancy Rainosek, the ongoing coronavirus crisis presents cybercriminals with an opportunity to strike agencies and hospitals.
Professionals in the judicial system, including court administrators, lawyers, and judges, have had to figure out in a matter of days how to deliver services online that they have been providing face-to-face for many decades.
The hunt for legal data doesn’t need to be long or painful. With the right people, processes and technology, agencies be quicker and more efficient.
Three considerations for public leaders when it comes to championing successful process improvements.
They are saving lives and making life more manageable during these trying times. Here are just some of the many unexpected ways government employees are doing all they can for communities.
Are the professed values of your team consistent with demonstrated behaviors? Hypocrisy is the single greatest detriment to employee engagement. Intentionally define and implement a values-based culture to fight back!
How do you practically keep tabs on all the good nuggets of wisdom that come from workshops or insightful meetings? Here’s a neat trick you can put into practice today.
What is the role of credit rating agencies, and how do they impact government decisions during times of crisis when fiscal stimulus packages are debated?