In 2020, What If…?
Breaking down silos creates the connections necessary for governments to withstand reduced resources, a shifting workforce, and political uncertainty. It makes the load lighter.
Breaking down silos creates the connections necessary for governments to withstand reduced resources, a shifting workforce, and political uncertainty. It makes the load lighter.
Should you show appreciation to someone who isn’t performing well?
Sometimes, all questions aren’t great questions when it comes to implementing a strong cybersecurity posture in government.
To fully understand their threat environment, agencies need to leverage threat intelligence to develop real-time cyber situational awareness.
Many agencies are considering cloud technologies, which remove the need for on-premise data storage that creates silos by geography, technology or location.
Focusing on making yourself useful shifts control over your future to you.
Building and maintaining meaningful professional relationships will not only make you more engaged and committed to your organization and business; it can also open doors to new clients, career advancement, and raises.
Managing security risks and developing next-generation software often feels like competing priorities in government.
In our work environments, we should seek to create a space where all talent, both old and new, can thrive and be assured daily that all are included in the greater work of the organization.
I believe a weekly review is the most important meeting of the week. It sets you up for future success.