Linking Money & Mission: Adds Congressional Justifications to Agency Profiles
Continuous feedback and stakeholder engagement enables Treasury to add powerful new features and functionality to
Continuous feedback and stakeholder engagement enables Treasury to add powerful new features and functionality to
At any given time in your career, you will experience a career setback. How you respond to these setbacks determines and defines your career.
What makes a community intelligent? How is it different from a smart city?
In the spring of 2018, OMB released a memo instructing agencies on steps they need to take to comply with the White House’s Category Management initiative. Here’s what agencies should do.
The Defense Department (DoD) is seeking to make history by choosing one vendor as the provider for its cloud computing network.
How can we protect ourselves from chemicals in the food supply?
It is critically important to focus on building or maintaining high resilience during uncertain times. Here are some tips on how you can enhance your resilience during challenging periods.
My San Jose, the city’s premier 311 reporting app, is reflective of what impactful digital services can mean to a community.
The Defense Department (DoD) is seeking to make history by choosing one vendor as the provider for its cloud computing network. But the story has had lots of twists and turns. What’s the latest for JEDI?
A Red Hat expert explains the importance of agencies incorporating open source in their AI and machine learning strategies to ensure greater transparency.