Want to Innovate? Adopt a $50,000 Mindset
Over the past year, the Department of Labor has been looking at how to improve IT operations to align with its mission. DOL’s CIO explains.
Over the past year, the Department of Labor has been looking at how to improve IT operations to align with its mission. DOL’s CIO explains.
To find out more about the risks of insider threats, check our new GovLoop Academy course, A Layered Approach to Insider Threat Prevention. This blog post is an excerpt from the course. Insider threats are dangers that originate within an organization, and they’re one of the biggest hazards that agencies face. They can come in allRead… Read more »
Ransomware is a malicious software that freezes computers and computer-controlled equipment until the victim pays a ransom to the executor.
Welcome to GovLoop’s latest edition of our exciting federal employment opportunities roundup for the week of May 17, 2019 on USAJobs.
As a government employee, you are here to serve. The public entrusts you with their hard-earned tax dollars to seek optimum solutions, act in their best interest, and represent them with honesty and integrity. It is easy to lose sight of this when the needs of superiors, coworkers, and the public are in conflict.
Agencies that replace paper forms with digital self-service solutions, streamline static PDF forms and digitize end-to-end processes can expect big gains.
Smart states understand that smart is a journey, not a destination, and with GIS technology they can solve current challenges.
Establishing a long-term vision, creating buy-in through early successes, and empowering staff are crucial steps that only leaders can meaningfully take to address this evolution’s adaptive challenges and create a truly data-enabled organization.
At a basic level, a leader’s job is to make decisions. Understanding decision-making styles is a key persuasion technique that will lead to success.
What methods have you used to increase your organization’s capacity to change?