Wasting Your Greatest Resource? Get the GOAT in the Game!

The greatest performer in your agency may be someone you don’t call on much anymore, someone who’s older or has survived multiple layoffs and in-force reductions. But overlooking those employees is a mistake.

Glancing Through the Overton Window at Your Organizational Culture and Leadership

Both leaders and followers shape workforce culture, including what is and isn’t acceptable to discuss. By examining your leadership style through the concept of an Overton Window, you can “read the room” and identify growth opportunities.

Feds, Up for a New Challenge?

FEEA is a national charity and the FIM Challenge raises funds to support programs that help improve the financial resilience of civilian federal and postal employees and support them in achieving personal and professional goals.

Embracing “Diverseability”: Transforming Workplace Inclusion Beyond Diversity

Despite advancements in DEI, there remains a significant employment gap between individuals with and without disabilities, and organizations are missing out on the knowledge, talent and valuable perspectives that disabled persons offer. Here are specific ways to change that.

The 2024 Cyber Agenda: Urgency Drives Innovation

In recent years, the federal government has made greater efforts to advance cybersecurity technology and strategy — such as offering best practices and other guidance, promoting public/private partnerships, and making financial investments. Here’s an overview of four key issues on the cyber agenda.