Changes are Coming to Federal Network Security in 2019
New guidance is out for the Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) initative, which seeks to enhance the federal government’s network security.
New guidance is out for the Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) initative, which seeks to enhance the federal government’s network security.
Believe in yourself, go easy on yourself, and remember: You’re trying your best, and that’s what really matters.
An organization’s website is often a stand-in for its brand – and its quality can impact how customers consider your jurisdiction over other options. Here are two more personas that are likely to treat your website as a barometer of your agency’s quality and abilities: tourists and job seekers.
Agencies nationwide are benefiting from cloud amid tightening budgets, evolving demographics and rising pressure for better digital public services.
With the direction that government IT has been headed, it seems like every agency is fighting to get into the cloud. But how can an agency know if the cloud is actually right for them? And how can they make sure that they are as cost-efficient as possible while trying to take those next steps?
The habits you embrace for handling one shutdown will help you benefit from other ones later in your public service career.
The government has a great need for managers to recognize the downstream impact of running an understaffed team. Managers face the challenge of balancing organizational goals, maintaining morale, prioritizing work efforts and reducing attrition.
In healthcare agencies, it’s critical that data not only be secure but also available in the case of disaster. In the event of a system failure or cybersecurity breach, healthcare organizations must be able to quickly recover secure copies of patient, provider and payer data. Access to this information could literally be a life orRead… Read more »
As part of any modernization/digitization effort, new technologies and strategies should be researched and understood before any plan is initiated. Let’s dive into how the digital environment is changing and how the network needs to change to support it.
Over the course of your career in government, you may well field news media requests. For some, that’s not a pleasant task. Here’s what you need to know to ensure your news interview is a great opportunity rather than a career crimper.