Agencies Fight Against Increased Cybersecurity Threats, Need New Solutions
The stats speak for themselves. 52 percent of public sector organizations that were breached were attacked where a patch was available.
The stats speak for themselves. 52 percent of public sector organizations that were breached were attacked where a patch was available.
The U.S. economy has taken off. Many private and public sector employees are thinking about new career opportunities or want to move up the leadership ladder in an organization where they currently work. How?
We’ve put together this awesome Holiday Gov Gift that you can send to all of your public sector friends this holiday season!
Now that you know your message (your one key point) and you know your audience (what type of language and how much detail you should provide), it’s time to know your style (how you present the material).
Digitization means different things to different people, but most would agree that business transformation is occurring because of digitization. Let’s define what digitization is, why it is happening now and how it will impact public sector business or mission.
There is a long-held belief that innovation and government just don’t fit together. The risk-averse nature of the public sector juxtaposed with the near necessitation of risk in private sector innovation has made many people believe that things will just stay the way they are in government. They’re wrong.
Indiana Chief Data Officer Darshan Shah leads the state’s Management Performance Hub, an innovative agency using data to improve policy.
If you haven’t made professional plans for 2019 yet, you may be feeling the heat. But GovLoop has an opportunity for you.
These gov stories happened at the local, county, state and federal levels and ranged from funny to perplexing, cringe-inducing and downright bizarre.
For a growing number of agencies, cloud computing provides the elasticity and scale needed to correctly consolidate data.