How to Modernize Digital Services Without Throwing out the Baby With the Bath Water
How do you deliver modern and user-friendly digital content and services when anchored by years of acquired habit and vintage infrastructure?
How do you deliver modern and user-friendly digital content and services when anchored by years of acquired habit and vintage infrastructure?
Codified in the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act, the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) offers agencies parcels of money – that over time have to be repaid – to rebuild their cyber and technology systems.
At the General Services Administration’s emerging technology symposium, speakers explained how to select, initiate and maintain an RPA project.
The MGT Act has revamped national efforts to upgrade IT systems, but there remain fundamental questions about the government’s role in technology.
Treat the resume creation process like you’d treat carving a pumpkin, and you’ll end up with a strong, eye-catching document.
Fear not – GovLoop’s latest explainer video describes why blockchain might become the protection today’s governments need.
Federal spending on software totals more than $6 billion a year and is an area ripe for savings. Here are some tips to get software spending under control.
In addition to its work with FEMA, DHS Digital Service has also made significant improvements to USCIS, particularly on the Electronic Immigration System.
While service outages may seem inevitable, they can be prevented. By leveraging a single platform to map, understand and remediate service issues, agencies can continue to deliver mission-critical priorities, saving time, resources and ensuring utmost trust from the public that government serves.
Redesigning your website can be a daunting project — where do you begin? Fortunately I managed several website redesign projects and I’m here with information you’ll need to have available before you start.