5 Things You Need to Know About Federal News From the Past Month
Changes in federal government keep coming fast. That’s why GovLoop gives you monthly recaps of federal news that may affect agency management and employment.
Changes in federal government keep coming fast. That’s why GovLoop gives you monthly recaps of federal news that may affect agency management and employment.
This article is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent report titled “Your Guide to Key Advancements in Government Cybersecurity.” Download the full report here. A cyberthreat against one is a cyberthreat against all, especially for state and local governments. They are increasingly uniting against their common enemies to boost their mutual cybersecurity postures. And the foes areRead… Read more »
If you haven’t made professional plans for the fall or 2019 yet, you may be feeling the heat. But GovLoop has an opportunity for you. Today, we’re announcing the 18 th round of the GovLoop Featured Contributor Program.
So you’ve been tasked with writing a briefing memo on an issue for “Upstairs” or “The Front Office”. Keep these points in mind and your brief will shine.
Life is rife with frequent “jumps to conclusions”, and “climbs up the ladder of inference” (another favorite metaphor). These mental trips happen quickly which makes them next to impossible to stop. But we can work to keep our visits there as brief as possible.
Deciding between two or more things is not going to be easy, and there will be a choice you’re leaning more towards. A decision matrix can lessen the anxiety or bias you have by forcing you to prioritize what’s most important to you.
As public sector agencies work to communicate with their users and customers, engaging effectively with email can be challenging. Including email marketing in your digital outreach provides a more efficient way to communicate with specific, measurable outcomes.
Take our new quiz! Test your D.C. knowledge and discover how much you really know about the District.
As demands on government increase and resources diminish, changes must be made to accommodate citizens and government employees alike. The required increase in efficiency can be achieved by introducing automated processes and better managing procedures in governments across the country.
If you want to fully utilize the GIS technology you have access to, then you need to embrace the business of GIS. This means expanding your work to include learning about and implementing solid business practices. This means creating a business plan.