Navigating Open Season
This year’s Open Season begins Nov. 12 and ends Dec. 10, with the benefits government employees select starting Jan. 6, 2019.
This year’s Open Season begins Nov. 12 and ends Dec. 10, with the benefits government employees select starting Jan. 6, 2019.
Don’t we all want to produce optimal results? Isn’t that the mission of your organization? Don’t your supervisors, executives and elected officials expect that? Then why are so many organizations tempted to ignore best practices?
Government organizations at all levels are increasingly adopting agile development approaches like DevOps. Not only do these iterative, collaborative processes speed up delivery times for critical digital services and applications, they also meet unique public sector needs.
Should you should jump on the bandwagon and start your grad school application ASAP? Maybe, but do these things first to help decide.
With 281 billion messages exchanged daily, email etiquette may soon rival any hard skill on your resume. Optimize your inbox by deleting these five words.
State and local governments can now accelerate their innovation and learning by aligning their cybersecurity approaches more closely with their federal counterparts.
Government employees are on the frontlines of critical cybersecurity, infosec, and IT initiatives. Start planning for how you’ll stay on top of new developments and technological innovations with GovLoop’s list of the best cyber and IT government conferences.
Governments that fail to embrace the evolution of apps, devices and digital tools will quickly fall behind both the private sector and their peers.
As a federal leader, risk opens you up to new challenges and increases your opportunity for success. However, it makes you vulnerable.
Innovation comes from a marriage of collaboration and empathy. These are traits of organizations that embrace the concept of open innovation.