Customer Support & Fundamental Data
How IT Service Management (ITSM) tools helped us evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our work.
How IT Service Management (ITSM) tools helped us evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our work.
No one should go into government service without the sense of humor that comes with the ability to laugh at themselves.
Small local governments are often supported by enthusiastic and passionate individuals. Leaders work hard to provide for their constituents and update their communities. But what can they do when their budget isn’t enough to support their projects?
You can achieve better results in technology implementations by seeking the assistance of others and not trying to go it alone.
To bridge the divide between development, operations and security teams and ensure that systems stay updated, running and secure all at the same time, agencies are investing in a new approach known as DevSecOps.
Whether you are starting from scratch or thinking of revamping an old site, these seven steps can help demystify the process of getting your website online. Follow them to reap a rewarding harvest of visitor engagement.
In recent years, Cary, NC has been gearing up to become the world’s next smart city, going as far as turning their Town Hall campus into a smart “mini-city,” complete with smart parking, traffic management, citizen engagement and more. Nicole Raimundo, Cary’s CIO, is at the center of this push.
This year’s Open Season begins Nov. 12 and ends Dec. 10, with the benefits government employees select starting Jan. 6, 2019.
Don’t we all want to produce optimal results? Isn’t that the mission of your organization? Don’t your supervisors, executives and elected officials expect that? Then why are so many organizations tempted to ignore best practices?
Government organizations at all levels are increasingly adopting agile development approaches like DevOps. Not only do these iterative, collaborative processes speed up delivery times for critical digital services and applications, they also meet unique public sector needs.