The Virtues of Government Service – Number 6: Connectedness
Achieving better organizational results today is dependent upon connectedness.
Achieving better organizational results today is dependent upon connectedness.
Some of the most horrific disasters can happen in the name of good intentions. One scientist is creating new safety mechanisms to help!
The reality is Microsoft Excel spreadsheets are the norm for most HHS agencies, which creates major issues for tracking information. For a growing number of agencies, the solution has come in the form of a learning management system (LMS).
CloudForte helps federal agencies flexibly and rapidly deliver their mission objectives with the confidence that cloud resources are being consumed securely, cost-effectively and resiliently.
In a recent GovLoop online training, panelists discussed the value and benefits of moving enterprise resource planning (ERP) to the cloud.
Government adoption of blockchain is still nascent but a few brave government agency leaders see the potential of the technology, and are experimenting with ways to use blockchain to make government services more effective.
The Trump administration on Thursday released a 132-page plan outlining sweeping reforms and recommendations for reorganizing the federal government, including merging the Education and Labor departments and stripping the Office of Personnel Management of its policy functions.
Here’s how finding a hobby you love can improve your personal life and career.
Whatever the contemporary debate may be among economists and philosophers about the benefits of college, for the federal worker, given the ever-increasing educational requirements for career advancement, college is definitely worth it.
As you approach 2018, remember that you can remove roadblocks and find your niche – even in the midst of change. Discover how you can survive even if your proverbial iceberg is melting. Read these eight tips to get started.