Meet the Govie That’s Shining a Light on Rare Diseases
Rare illnesses can have a serious impact on a patient’s life. One scientist is identifying rare genetic diseases to save thousands of patients!
Rare illnesses can have a serious impact on a patient’s life. One scientist is identifying rare genetic diseases to save thousands of patients!
The government CIO is now responsible for a massive amount of internal business processes which have been fundamentally altered due to the infusion of technology.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to gauge your level of skills, which can affect confidence. Here’s how you can gauge and trust yourself.
You don’t have to take two weeks off for a deep meditation retreat to start practicing and reaping the benefits of mindfulness in your own workplace.
At the ATARC Federal Cloud & Data Center Summit, government and industry experts will examine cloud tools and techniques federal agencies are using to increase efficiencies and save costs.
While initial Infrastructure-as-a-Service capabilities provided significant benefits, such as cost savings and improved security, there are still untapped advantages of cloud that agencies have not fully realized. One of those advantages gaining momentum is serverless computing.
In this post, we’ll shed some light on three myths about millennials and government.
Did you hear “Laurel” or “Yanny?” Science was a clear explanation for the different interpretations of the sound. But communication in is a little trickier.
What can cities and counties do to improve their user experience? Check out these 3 steps all municipalities should take to improve citizen engagement.
We have found that following a few simple tips can make the use of words more effective in showing appreciation and encouragement to colleagues (and help you avoid some common errors, as well).