Want to Elevate Your Personal Brand? – GovLoop Daily Awesome – May 1, 2018
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The path to improving your work environment includes strengthening pillars of workplace happiness. Addressing at least one of these will improve the work environment.
The article tries to shine a different light on government workers — one that emphasizes their optimism, ingenuity and collaborative spirit. Here are five rules to adhere by to excel in public service.
The most important part of the analytics process within an urban environment is impacting the resident.
The age-old argument questions whether leaders are born, developed over time or catapulted into a position of leadership as a result of a situation. Learn more about the trait theory and leadership challenge in this featured blog.
What citizen services should look like to effectively engage with its citizens through next-generation applications.
Public health preparedness staff need a collection of foundational data, supported by GIS, on an enterprise platform, that is ready to go when a disaster strikes.
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For federal government, digital transformation is driving creation of new business models and designs, resulting in better outcomes. And intent-based networks are accelerating digital transformation for government and going beyond improving people, processes and technologies.
What’s your philosophy on leadership? In other words, identifying how you see yourself as a leader will help to identify what you stand for and clarify your actions and behaviors.