Are You Hindering your Agency’s Growth and Development?
Here are the five hindrances of growth and development that hide in plain sight. These hindrances disrupt the investment of agencies, companies and institutions.
Here are the five hindrances of growth and development that hide in plain sight. These hindrances disrupt the investment of agencies, companies and institutions.
Although government workers know what they need from their IT infrastructure to achieve mission goals, results from a reent GovLoop survey of IT professionals show that nearly half of agencies’ current infrastructures aren’t meeting expectations. Why?
The future of IT is already here. With CI, government has a chance to stay ahead of IT modernization by enabling IT teams to focus less on managing data centers and more on innovation.
There is quite a bit of innovation occurring across the government, but it’s difficult to know who is doing what where. Join us as we collectively co-design opportunities to concretely share and connect with innovators across the government.
Do you have office FOMO? Are you always reading or checking your email while on vacation? If so, stop it and use these tips to help you make the necessary separation between work and vacation.
Do you feel like everyone is speaking a different language at work? Here are three steps to learn another work language and communicate better.
Find out more about the professional development resources and events NextGen Nation offers.
Here are some resources to help develop some new skills in 2018.
Last week we covered the first five of the 10. This week, we’ll discuss five more strategies in developing high-performance teams.
Some managers are hampering the next generation of leaders because they are not taking the time to teach them. Letting employees fail is key to growth.