What’s Next For Government Technology
Government agencies work electronically just like the private sector does. Read this post to find out what else is in the future of government tech.
Government agencies work electronically just like the private sector does. Read this post to find out what else is in the future of government tech.
We had an amazing response, over 2800 people replied, and over 900 shared individual stories of their worst experiences at work during the holidays – which seems to confirm the intense energy around the issue of workplace holiday celebrations.
Striving for humility or trying not to stand out in an ostentatious way can mean that people miss out on opportunities to get ahead.
FITARA compliance can help avoid negative situations by ensuring that agencies have a clear view of what software is being used. Visibility into the software environment allows CIOs and administrators to ensure that employees have the software they need, and that the agency is not paying for software that is not being used.
Though innovation is necessary for agencies to continue to deliver on their missions, it is often difficult for new technologies to take hold in government.
If government agencies collectively and consistently demand these very reasonable “rights,” vendors will have no other option than to provide the products that these agencies deserve.
My father provided me valuable life and leadership lessons. Dad’s work ethic has been an enduring example of how to model integrity and excellence.
It should be said though to managers that even with meetings being a mainstay in the work setting to keep people and projects on track, it does not mean that getting together should be a long and arduous task. Meetings can and should be an effective way to communicate information and to keep projects on… Read more »
Government needs to look past single solutions that promise faster processing times or increased productivity. Instead, agencies must holistically rethink their entire organizational culture, including strategies and solutions, for transformative CX change.
Amid increasing natural disasters and cybersecurity threats, state and local governments need business continuity plans to minimize disruptions to employees, citizens and IT resources.