365 Ways to Stop Being An Idiot! The Holiday Edition
Here’s how you can stop being an “idiot” during the holidays.
Here’s how you can stop being an “idiot” during the holidays.
Data analytics is a hot topic in government and one that continues to gain traction. Agencies are increasingly relying on analytics to help fight diseases, combat fraud, improve citizen services and more. To better understand how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is using analytics, we heard from Ana Penman-Aguilar, Associate Director for ScienceRead… Read more »
According to John Duckwitz, from Granicus, “The biggest challenge is engaging with citizens where, when and how they want to communicate.”
It is that time of the year when, with grand intentions, many of us resolve to do something new or different in the coming year. If you want to improve performance or relationships at work I have a simple experiment for you to try – shift an assumption. Shifting an assumption is a critical factorRead… Read more »
Web-based GIS tools are already in use by governments and they have already proved their worth by providing citizens increased transparency and accountability. Now is the time to apply the same patterns and practices to redistricting, ultimately rebuilding trust in the process.
Should the role of Health and Human Services professionals be elevated in the event of a natural disaster? Simple answer: Yes. And GIS can help.
Do you remember when you first heard terms like cloud computing and Internet of Things? They seemed so futuristic just a few years ago, right?
Setting the goal of having coffee with 50 people forces you to be clear about your goals.
You can’t even think the name Fezziwig without smiling because it’s a fun combination of sounds and it brings up fond images. Learn how you can exemplify his leadership at your workplace.
Government agencies work electronically just like the private sector does. Read this post to find out what else is in the future of government tech.