You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet: Federal IT Management 10 Years From Now
The skills that IT administrators are learning today will have a large impact on what IT management will look like ten years from now.
The skills that IT administrators are learning today will have a large impact on what IT management will look like ten years from now.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein (The genius professor was right, but perhaps someone should have bought him a comb.) In order to have effective governance skills, government officials must be able to listen organically, navigate change wisely and be flexible in creative problem solving. Listening is about really taking in whatRead… Read more »
Kirit Amin, one of the seasoned guard of federal government technology executives and currently the chief information officer at the International Trade Commission, will retire for government, he confirmed to the DorobekINSIDER. He will be stepping down at the end of the year. The departure is the latest to a growing list of CIOs whoRead… Read more »
By integrating hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) into your cloud architecture, you can deliver cost-effective, flexible IT services to accomplish your agency mission. But you need a clear plan on how to actually introduce hyperconvergence at your agency.
One perk of the MGT Act that’s often touted is the $500 million fund it would create, but some IT leaders say the real value will come from newly created working capital funds at each agency.
In 1985, I joined the Peace Corps and began my service in Congo, Central Africa. I was an idealistic young man with a naively expansive view of my ability to help people and bring about meaningful change in their lives. The challenges and frustrations I experienced as a Peace Corps volunteer provided important life lessons… Read more »
Don’t worry. If you’re like me and have a hard time making the cold open at cocktail hour, you can still expand your professional network.
At Smart Cyber, Symantec’s 14th Government Symposium, we heard from Jeanette Manfra, Assistant Secretary in the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). She explained how DHS is attempting to achieve that balance between challenge and opportunity.
Reframing how you approach teams can have a profound impact on process, products and — most importantly — people.
In government, no one really accomplishes anything all by themselves, which means that meetings are a fact of life. You can make them more or less successful by taking steps to learn the behaviors that aid or inhibit your efforts.