Leveraging Cloud Technology to Provide a Better Customer Experience
This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, “Taking Government Cloud Adoption to the Next Level.”
This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, “Taking Government Cloud Adoption to the Next Level.”
What does it mean to run government at the speed of business?
In an effort to align with workforce reductions called for by the Trump administration, several agencies are looking to offer early retirement packages and separation incentive payments.
Let’s recognize, honor and celebrate the hard work being done in the public sector.
Being honest about your failings can lead to a better interview and a better job.
It is the most wildly over-used mark of punctuation in the English language and is dragging all of us down with its haphazard excitement and indiscriminate emphasis!
Check out these tips for being a better program manager.
Learn how experts are successfully using digital services to improve constituent experiences.
Advanced cybersecurity solutions that baseline normal activity automatically and identifies suspicious traffic patterns are important because people can no longer react quickly enough to keep up with the onslaught of attacks.
Nine tips on how to ask for training dollars when money is tight.