What Digitization Means to Law Enforcement
Learn about how new technologies are helping public safety officials fulfill their missions more efficiently and effective. Also, see what trends have be transforming agencies around the country.
Learn about how new technologies are helping public safety officials fulfill their missions more efficiently and effective. Also, see what trends have be transforming agencies around the country.
What’s new at NASCIO this year? Learn the top ten priorities for state Chief Information Officers and how two states are working to address them.
The looming threat of a government shutdown means agencies are once again reviewing contingency plans — in the event that lawmakers don’t pass a spending bill by April 28. Here’s what you need to know.
Agencies are finding that their evolving needs aren’t being met by one-size-fits all cloud solutions. Learn how agencies can use cloud as-a-service models to improve service delivery, maximize capacity, and increase flexibility.
You can use geospatial information systems to help mitigate the opioid crisis.
Learn how you can tackle boredom at the office.
The recent OMB memo ended the hiring freeze and asked agencies to develop strategic workforce reform plans. Learn how this memo will impact the federal IT workforce, and how they can drive change in agencies.
Under President Trump, agencies will have to hash out plans to boost employee performance and discipline poor performers.
Is convergence theory the answer to all of our inclusion problems
Learn how you can be a better millennial govie.