3 Biases That Impact Agility
You may not be aware of it, but your biases could be effecting your agility in the workplace.
You may not be aware of it, but your biases could be effecting your agility in the workplace.
Every community has the potential to be a smart one. Learn how to leverage IoT to drive efficiency in your community or installation.
IT modernization involves more than just replacing legacy systems. Government can use agile development, cultural changes, and new platforms to modernize their IT workforce and optimize benefits for citizens.
This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent Research Brief, “Where Government & the NIST Cybersecurity Framework Meet.” The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) works to promote U.S. innovation and competitiveness by advancing science, standards and related technology through research and development in ways that enhance economic security and improve quality ofRead… Read more »
You’ve got a job, but have you thought about a career?
The most important time to have an updated resume is now. Happy or not in your current position, the process of keeping your resume up-to-date serves a higher function than tracking a list of workplaces. It reminds you that you’re Batman.
When something works well (including government), it become invisible. Learn how to retrain negativity bias in our brains.
It may be time to rethink unconscious bias training at your agency. Check out this tips on how to do that effectively.
Need to update your HR practices to a more holistic approach? Check out these experts’ tips on getting government stars to stay in the public sector.
Mentorship. The word is gaining a lot of traction in the public sector and is clearly a buzzword in 2017. But despite all the buzz, a lot of confusion surrounds what a mentor actually does. So what makes a great mentor? What attributes come together in a person so they can become a true advisorRead… Read more »