7 Tips to Make Small Talk Less Awkward
Small talk can be painful, but it doesn’t have to be. Check out these tips to making small talk less awkward.
Small talk can be painful, but it doesn’t have to be. Check out these tips to making small talk less awkward.
Still not sure what all of the new Administration’s executive actions mean? Check out this break down of the federal hiring freeze.
Fraud, waste and abuse plague every government agency. Learn how you can mitigate the consequences of these challenges with Esri’s ArcGIS.
Change is hard, especially in highly regulated environments like government agencies. Fortunately, this featured blogger has a few ways to overcome cultural challenges to change.
Cities can easily use new technologies to manage large crowds. Learn how from this featured blogger.
Having PTSD often results in social isolation and a life robbed of meaningful experiences. Finding the strength to reengage can be daunting, but is well worth the effort expended. It’s when we begin to let others back into our lives that we rediscover ourselves and find our joy and peace again.
Esri’s FedGIS Conference is just around the corner. Do you know what breakout sessions you will be attending?
If you think you left the bullies behind you, on the playground back in middle school, you may be wrong. Several years ago I researched a workplace phenomenon called ‘mobbing’.
Find out how the public sector is leveraging application programming interfaces, or APIs, to build applications that allow them to deliver the services citizens expect in a quick, reliable, and secure manner.
Especially when it comes to sexual harassment, it’s important to gain a good understanding of what it is and what it might not be. After all, a clear explanation of why you consider an action to be harassment can be your first and best defense to stopping it.