Open Data 2.0: Transparency, Now With Focus

Governments often mark the success of open data by how many datasets they’ve published on open portals. But publishing data, I’d argue, is open data 1.0. Open data 2.0 involves putting these data to good use. It means open data that informs policymaking budgetary decisions, that raises awareness of issues, and ultimately, that empowers communities.

Exploration – The Fifth Step in the Innovation Process

The methods we use during this step build on the patterns and insights gained from our deep dive into our intent, people and context. Exploring new concepts involves visualizing the future through brainstorming, sketching, prototyping ideas, and storytelling. The temperament for this mode includes balancing creativity, radical ideas and ways of thinking while adhering to… Read more »

Why Most Employee Recognition Programs Don’t Work

The word is out on the street — the vast majority of employee recognition programs aren’t working. In interacting with HR professionals and corporate trainers across the country, the report from both professionals and front-line workers is that employee recognition is generally not having a positive impact on employees or workplace morale.

Do I Work In An Inclusive Workplace?

The NeuroLeadership Institute is an organization that uses brain science to drive leadership development. Recognizing how inclusive behaviors are core values of 21st Century leaders, they have come up with a handy model that simplifies this complicated notion of how to know when a workplace setting is truly inclusive.