4 Ways to Attract and Keep Federal Employees—Including Millennials

There is no question that the federal workforce needs to attract diverse and talented people so the U.S. government is positioned to tackle the complex issues facing our country. That includes millennials. There are four key steps the next administration and Congress must take to ensure millennials consider public service as a career option and… Read more »

Maintaining Resilient State & Local Assets in Utah

DHS provides a wealth of resources and guidance to regional and local jurisdictions, to help them protect and maintain critical infrastructure. However, Kathy McMullin, Planner with the Utah State Division of Emergency Management, described the necessary role that state government can play in providing more localized support.

The Rewards of Taking More Risks

Is there a way to cultivate being more of a risk taker if you don’t have a personality that trends that way? Let’s assume for a moment we’re not talking about reckless risk taking, but rather simply getting out of your comfort zone. Here are a few benefits to think about.