How to Build Great Employee Resource Groups
Employee Resources Groups (ERGs): Are they the golden ring towards which agencies should reach? Or are they over-hyped and underutilized?
Employee Resources Groups (ERGs): Are they the golden ring towards which agencies should reach? Or are they over-hyped and underutilized?
If you wander into the new IT landscape and need orientation, you’re not alone. How do we navigate this new environment so that we can get the programs we need? Let’s connect the dots.
While many states are moving towards common themes of innovation, each state is taking on the task of IT modernization a little differently. Check out what’s going on in Alaska and see how you can apply their best practices to your own IT department.
I have bad news for you. Most people find data really, really boring. Really boring. That means that our charge is to figure out the story behind the data and communicate it in a compelling way.
We just made it a whole lot easier for agencies to select the best acquisition solution to meet their unique requirements from GSA’s broad array of IT offerings by launching our new IT Solutions Navigator.
More times than not, it’s these preferences–and our different preferences– that aggravate us most about our coworkers. The reality is that we can’t force how others choose to communicate, interact with others, or how they decide to manage tasks. What we can do is reframe our thinking about our coworkers when we get frustrated with… Read more »
To be a successful, fully digitized agency, security must be a top concern. Read on for the top three useful tools you can implement to achieve a secure, digital government.
By not falling into the pessimistic trap, and further directing talking points to be lighter and more positive, you can show your coworker that not everything sucks, despite what they apparently seem to think.
Forensics and investigations have been in place as long as even the most rudimentary justice systems have existed. In the past, however, investigations primarily relied on physical evidence or traditional forensics to build cases and prosecute criminals. Today, we more often hear the term “digital forensics.”
Here’s a secret your boss doesn’t want you to know: we don’t always get it right. Shocking, right? But seriously, how we handle those opportunities as leaders is where we can set ourselves apart. Here’s a couple ‘No-No’s’ that I’ve committed since in my recent position change that I hope you can learn from.