How the Cloud Can Support Your Analytics Journey

“The way forward for developing modern analytics capabilities in the cloud requires an agile approach,” said Michael Kennedy, Director of Public Sector Cloud Strategy at Catapult. “While there are times when it is necessary to build big to accommodate massive amounts of information, that is the exception, not the norm.”

How to Give Effective Performance Feedback

You can turn a soul-crushing performance appraisal into an opportunity to engage your staff. Make it an interactive conversation that energizes both you and your employee. My team and I have used the following format for performance feedback for over a decade. We use it for both glowing appraisals and tough reviews

Journey of Discovery: Interview with Dr. Ellen Stofan, NASA Chief Scientist

Dr. Ellen Stofan joined me on The Business of Government Hour to explore her role, NASA’s science priorities, efforts at promoting science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, and space science successes. Here’s an overview of our conversation.