This One Trick Will Help You Better Define Your Customer

As government communicators, we’re best serving the public when we’re thinking about our customers as smaller groups — defined, just for example, by geographic location, specific needs or languages spoken — and communicating directly with those groups. Simply put, our services are more impactful when our audiences are understood.

These Govies Have Amazing Stories

Each year we hold a Speaker Contest for government employees to share their public service story at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. This year we had over 100 entries, a panel of government experts selected 10 finalists and it’s now up to you to vote on your top three! Customer Experience: Dragging anRead… Read more »

Using Cognitive Computing to Improve the Child Welfare System

According to the World Health Organization, 25 percent of adults worldwide report having been physically abused as children. In the US alone, there are around 6 million child protective reports annually. Child welfare professionals often have trouble managing the information they need to do their jobs. Cognitive computing can provide a solution.