Who Owns Engagement?
The Government Accountability Office came up with six major drivers of engagement and one can make a case that at least four of six influences on employee engagement fall on the shoulders of leaders.
The Government Accountability Office came up with six major drivers of engagement and one can make a case that at least four of six influences on employee engagement fall on the shoulders of leaders.
Here are a few life-saving resources and tips that got me started with HTML and will hopefully be helpful for you as well.
According to Frank Konieczny, Chief Technology Officer for the Air Force, there are three main objectives behind most malicious operations.
As many older farmers are retiring and preparing to retire, the future of the farming industry lies in a new generation of farmers. In order to ensure new farmers are prepared for the job, this govie is working to make USDA’s resources available and easily accessible.
We sat down with experts from HHS and FedRAMP to discuss how the cloud security program has evolved, government’s privacy concerns and security challenges.
Is your agency unsure how to approach cybersecurity? Check out these solutions from the private sector that take a holistic approach to securing networks.
Everyday at the Corporation for National and Communication Service (CNCS), Stacy Dawn witnesses first-hand the stakes of government cybersecurity. She drove home how much more we have to do if we’re truly going to secure our information and systems.
As the landscape of war changes, the DoD must adapt with it. In order to do this, the Department is making changes in the way it approaches technology, the workforce, and overall operations.
When it comes to federal office space, much of the focus has been on reducing the government’s real estate footprint. But agencies must also consider how the modern office space is, or at least can be, used as a recruitment tool for top talent.
What do you feel when you hear the word feedback? Maybe you feel anxious, nervous, defensive, misunderstood, exhausted, judged or criticized. You’re not alone. Here’s a six-step process for supervisors and employees to provide feedback.