Building CX on the Front Lines
Customer experience is a priority for government agencies. Here are six tips for improving it.
Customer experience is a priority for government agencies. Here are six tips for improving it.
Solving today’s government worker shortage is a battle that calls for fresh thinking and bold solutions. Here are some that work.
This webinar recap gives a brief overview of top supervisor mistakes.
When data is scattered across the enterprise, it may be impractical to pull it all together. But there are tools that let you reach it where it is.
Moving to the cloud requires a new way of thinking about budget. Here’s some expert advice.
For anyone working with IT modernization or healthcare tech, the VA’s up-and-down experience implementing a electronic health record provides some good object lessons.
This report details how a managed services approach can lead to better constituent service.
This blog addresses real-life examples of creating a prioritized cybersecurity upgrade plan.
In reality, there is no shortage of uniquely broad definitions for EX — as a field of knowledge, empirical study of the subject is still in its infancy and there is no consensus on a common definition. However, most characterizations agree on a couple things.
Good CX isn’t having a well-staffed CX office: It’s having CX inform every decision throughout the organization. CX needs to be a priority — and a core capability — in every department.