5 Ideas on Improving Government from NextGen Leaders
If you were in charge, what’s one thing you would change in your office tomorrow?
If you were in charge, what’s one thing you would change in your office tomorrow?
We all have the potential to solve some of the hard hitting problems the government faces on a daily basis. However, there is oftentimes no mechanisms in place to foster such open innovation. Fortunately, there are govies like Jenn Gustetic who are pushing the bounds of open innovation and involving citizens in the government problem… Read more »
Many government agencies, including the DoD, are still trying to figure out how to most efficiently migrate to the cloud. Commercial cloud models are one solution to migration problems. Check out GTRI’s tailored cloud transition plan and how they’re helping agencies with their transition process.
We asked a panel of federal experts about the most important skills employees need to navigate government, advice about lateral career moves and more. Here’s what they said…
GovLoop talked to Sokwoo Rhee, Assistant Director of Cyber-Physical Systems Program at NIST, about projects developed through the GCTC, how IoT has changed and where it is going.
To craft a sustainable business case for analytics, you need to accomplish three fundamental milestones.
May we be less terrified and more inspired as we dance into our future.
Want to innovate like a true professional leader at your agency? You might have to act like you’re 6 years old again.
Given the wide range of activities, and agencies’ desire for Health IT accessibility, the government is in an optimal position to improve healthcare and reduce costs through the secure use of information technology–making Health IT a valuable and strategic market for GSA.
Consider using some of these tips to encourage your staff to find and use their voice.