17 Pieces of Advice That Will Rock Your Government Career
Advice that will set you on the right paths for your careers in public service.
Advice that will set you on the right paths for your careers in public service.
Buzzword bingo for government.
Work teams, like athletic teams, require different talents and strengths. These four roles are crucial when building an effective, Olympic-style work team.
Learn how to be an entrepreneur in government from Mitchell Weiss, Senior Lecturer from Harvard Business School.
This fall you will be particularly pressed for time as ratings get passed like a baton through your agency’s process.
In a lighting keynote session at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit, Josh Marcuse, Senior Advisor for Policy Innovation in the Office of the Secretary of Defense in the Department of Defense, demonstrated one tactic to combine brainstorming and teamwork into a successful and effective method to innovate new policies.
Over the next decade, millennials will be the largest demographic group in the workforce. Take time to understand how to manage them and you’ll be rewarded with a great performance from your team.
Updating agencies’ legacy systems is hard but it doesn’t have to be. Adobe is working along side agencies to help them reimagine their digital strategies and innovate in ways that enhance connected experiences.
No one said virtual meetings were going to be easy. But lucky for you, I’ve compiled a list of best practices learned from my successes and failures to keep your meetings from becoming a virtual disaster.
Think you aren’t a creative person? Think again! Learn how you can tap into and develop your creativity skills in order to spearhead innovation at your agency.