Cool New Features on GovLoop

This year, we’ve been busy behind the scenes adding some cool new features to Make sure to check out these new features and let me know if you have other ideas to make GovLoop more useful for you in the comments! Favorite a blog post (and save to profile): Use the new “Favorite” buttonRead… Read more »

7 Steps to Cloud Adoption at FCC

To manage the vast and ever-changing demand on the FCC’s IT services, the agency has turned to hybrid cloud. And to deploy that cloud model, Deputy CIO Skudlarek explained how the department followed a methodical seven step plan of adoption.

Under CISA, Information Sharing Is Caring—If You Do It Right

Securing sensitive data against the sheer number of cyberthreats is an impossible task for a single organization. It’s akin to sending one soldier to battle against an army of millions. In an effort to strengthen the nation’s defense against cyberthreats, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015… Read more »