3 Steps to Smooth Succession Planning

This year’s presidential election is the ultimate example of succession planning. However, most government agencies and organizations won’t have their new boss selected by millions of voters, but rather a board of directors, HR professionals, and various stakeholders. So how exactly does succession planning work when the electoral college isn’t involved? What are some best… Read more »

The Times, They are a Changing

Constantly changing just for the sake of change doesn’t make sense. If something works well then there is no need to change, is there? So, how do you determine the difference between what works well and what needs to change? In business, understanding change can be the difference between survival and extinction.

Become a Senior Government Leader Today!

I think we can all agree that we would love to know the secrets of being successful. For those in government, success is usually defined by becoming a senior leader. The best way to learn is still (and always will be) from personal testimonies. As such, we should seek out the knowledge from those currentlyRead… Read more »

How to Improve Application Performance

“We depend on applications today,” stated Zach Trusty, Senior Solutions Engineer at Riverbed Technology. Think about how often you check the weather app to pick out an outfit or check all your social media sites from your phone. Applications are a constant in our lives. Applications are frequently used, but they are routinely updated asRead… Read more »

I Get By With A Little Help From My CIO Friends

Back in 1967, the Beatles released, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band which featured the song, “With a Little Help From My Friends.” The song could easily be the mantra of the NASCIO Raising the Bar Conference. The annual summit brings together Chief Information Officers from across the country and their deputies. The ability to grow and anticipateRead… Read more »

Why Building a Winning Talent Pool isn’t a “Slow Cooker” Process

Such demands can drain time and resources. But they don’t have to – not when you deploy talent management analytics solutions as part of your plan. Analytics tools enable you to maximize the value of all of the informational “treasures” residing within your pool’s data, such as names, personal interests, employment history, professional accomplishments/goals, contact… Read more »