The Best Government Mobile Apps for Business… and Your Office

With an increasingly mobile American population, most U.S. federal government agencies have launched mobile-optimized “responsive” versions of their official websites for citizens. A smaller number of agencies have taken the extra step to develop specialized apps for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, and most of those apps are aimed to consumers / citizens.

HUD’s Approach to Engage Millennials Early and Often

Data shows that millennials are leaving government at faster rates than Gen Xers and baby boomers. And although the outlook seems bleak, agencies should use this data to fuel change and new ideas that keep all employees, especially newly hired millennials, engaged and inclined to stay on board.

Elevating the Citizen Experience with Digital Government

Amidst the enticing aroma of bagels, government and industry employees gathered at GovDelivery on Tuesday morning for a panel on elevating the citizen experience in digital government. The foundation of the panel was a report that GovDelivery published recently on trends in digital government engagement. The panel consisted of three current and former government employeesRead… Read more »