Industries of the Future?

Have you ever wished for a crystal ball that would magically show you the future? What would you do with that knowledge? We can’t promise you a crystal ball, but Alec Ross, former Senior Advisor for Innovation to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and current Fellow at Johns Hopkins University, is releasing his book, IndustriesRead… Read more »

How to Increase Your Female Applicant Pool

The percentage of female federal hires decreased from 43 percent in 2000 to 37 percent in 2012, according to a September 2014 report from the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). Why? MSPB says an increase in male applicants – not discrimination – may be the primary cause of a widening gap in gender representation. For one thing, veteran’s preferentialRead… Read more »

Analytics is the weapon, but who will man the cyber gates?

This post was written by Karen Terrell, Vice President, SAS Federal   According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, there have been 57 data breaches of government and military agencies in 2015, putting at risk nearly 40 million records. Unfortunately, the attacks will continue to happen, growing in frequency, severity and impact unless agencies employRead… Read more »

Learn How to Recruit Millennials

In part one of our millennial blog post with Deloitte we debunked millennial myths in government. In part two, we look at how to actually bring those millennials into government. With every new generation government must find new ways to attract and recruit the next group of employees. This time around, government needs to hireRead… Read more »