Supervisors Should Manage Consequences, not Discipline

One of the critical responsibilities that rests on the shoulders of supervisors is employee discipline. Many times discipline is viewed as something negative hence it tends to be avoided — which just causes more problems. One way to address this issue is to change mindset and terminology about discipline and instead focus on the concept… Read more »

Change in Government Takes Time – But It Can Happen. Here’s How.

If you’re a millennial or a young gen-xer working for the government, it can be frustrating to see how fast technology is moving in the private sector and in your personal lives, compared to the rate of technology adoption (or lack thereof) in a government job. From antiquated procurement practices and internal workflows to uncertainty… Read more »

Innovations Are on the Rise in Public Financial Management

These past few years we’ve heard a lot about innovations. The information technology era boomed and led the way for many new and exciting changes in private and public industry. But who would have known that it would also affect the way public sector financial managers operate? The International Monetary Fund (IMF) did. The IMFRead… Read more »

Addressing the Critical Issue of Printer Security

This interview is an excerpt from our recent research guide, “Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) and Einstein: The Foundations of Federal Civilian Cyberdefense.” To download the complete guide, click here. Continuous monitoring (CM) enables agencies to constantly assess their IT security risk posture from all levels of the organization. It provides current security and complianceRead… Read more »

New Year’s Resolutions and You

New year-new you, right? According to this post in History of the Holidays, New Year’s Resolutions date back to the Roman era. Babylonians began the tradition in March, but it was the Romans who brought the new tradition to the beginning of the year. The Romans made the change to January because January is namedRead… Read more »