A New President’s Preparation-Crash Course

This interview is part of a new DorobekINSIDER mini series with experts looking to help shape a management platform for the new administration. Check out all of the stories in the new series, Good Government Management, here.  Have you ever taken a crash course? You know-those courses that tell you the need-to-knows so that youRead… Read more »

How to Implement a State or City Wide Content Strategy

In the digital era, citizens are not just getting information about government from press releases or even their state’s main website. Now, citizens are connecting to government via apps, dashboards,various websites and social media. All of these content vehicles reach citizens in new and engaging ways. But the reality is that in the quest to… Read more »

Change to GSA Acquisition Rules Eases Burden on Ordering Agencies

Earlier this month, GSA released its latest refreshes to the Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) solicitations. While these changes to contract clauses and provisions typically impact contractors most, there were several updates in this round that will positively impact government agencies who purchase off the Schedules and other GSA contract vehicles.