Suffering From Imposter Syndrome
According to the Center for Creative Leadership, 60% of successful professionals will suffer from imposter syndrome at some point in their career.
According to the Center for Creative Leadership, 60% of successful professionals will suffer from imposter syndrome at some point in their career.
This February, I came across more than a few news articles and studies that impressed how much more work we have to do in the feminist fight. Here are the top five worth reading.
The only way to test if content is usable or plain is to test it. It’s not the writer or editor–or the program manager–who determines whether content is plain or usable; it’s the user.
The White House wasn’t the first and certainly won’t be the last government agency to join Snapchat. What do agencies need to know about snapping about public service?
This interview is part of a new DorobekINSIDER mini series with experts looking to help shape a management platform for the new administration. Check out all of the stories in the new series, Good Government Management, here. Have you ever taken a crash course? You know-those courses that tell you the need-to-knows so that youRead… Read more »
In the digital era, citizens are not just getting information about government from press releases or even their state’s main website. Now, citizens are connecting to government via apps, dashboards,various websites and social media. All of these content vehicles reach citizens in new and engaging ways. But the reality is that in the quest to… Read more »
Free and professional development aren’t two words you always hear in the same sentence. But we sat down with the head of one governmentwide program aimed at breaking down silos and connecting employees with new opportunities.
The goal of the Cloud SIN is to provide customers centralized, streamlined access to cloud computing services through IT Schedule 70 to meet their eligible government, state, and local needs. GSA customers can clearly distinguish cloud services from non-cloud IT products and services in order to get to the right solution quickly.
Having a mentor can help guide your employees through any number of professional challenges. But before you jump into the mentorship pool, let’s discuss what a mentor is, where they come from, and what type of results you can expect.
Earlier this month, GSA released its latest refreshes to the Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) solicitations. While these changes to contract clauses and provisions typically impact contractors most, there were several updates in this round that will positively impact government agencies who purchase off the Schedules and other GSA contract vehicles.