6 Biases That Will Kill Your Change Initiative

Change, it is a curse and a blessing. As human beings we abhor it. Yet, as the smartest species on earth, we are in the best position to embrace it. Our very existence depends on our ability to change. Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, put change in perspective when he said, “It is notRead… Read more »

Celebrating 365 Days of Women in Government

Happy Anniversary!  About this time last year, I was sitting in a meeting with other GovLoop staffers thinking through ways we could better serve our audience of over 200,000 public servants. We talked about what challenges they face and how we could help them overcome barriers. We talked about what govies wanted from public service and how we could achieve whateverRead… Read more »

A Look Into the Future of Gov-2016

A possible government shutdown (a decision that will be made on December 11th) and a potential new executive order are some of the first signs that call for a changed and improved government going into 2016. It is true that it takes a few missteps to figure out the right solution and Tom Fox, ViceRead… Read more »

Six Steps to Achieving Cyber Resilience

Even though cybersecurity has been one of the most talked about topics in 2015, cyber professionals still face many challenges combating criminals. For government agencies at all levels, there’s a dire need for the right talent and capabilities to actively defend against cyberthreats. And with developing technologies in cloud, the Internet of Things, social networking,Read… Read more »

Continuous Improvement Creates Diversity and Inclusion Opportunities

“We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders.”  – Maya Angelou” Status quo as we know it in civil service work is changing — and FAST. There are increasing performance expectations, an aging population, decliningRead… Read more »

Transforming the Federal Citizen Experience

How do we reach more citizens and get them to truly engage with our services? That’s the question on nearly every government leader’s mind as they confront a changing technology landscape and new customer demands. At this morning’s Digital Engagement Breakfast, Natalie Fedie, VP of Client Success and Professional Services at GovDelivery, offered a few answers for how agenciesRead… Read more »

What 2016 Has In Store for Cloud Service Level Agreements

Whether you’re a stickler for standards or not, the U.S. federal cloud computing market is better off because of them. Thanks to the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), there are now baseline requirements for securing cloud products and services in use governmentwide. But the work doesn’t end after an agency finds a FedRAMP-compliant vendor.Read… Read more »